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Looking to Adopt?

Take a look at some of our amazing pets that are here for adoption, and email us if your interested! (As of right now we only take cats and dogs, but we are eventually looking to expand.)

Black and White Kitten
Small Terrier



See the stories of other animals who were rescued by us.


This is Bubbies the cat, he was found as an infant with no mother, hiding out under a porch at a local bar. After hours of trying he was finally caught, and was raised with us, and is now a happy lazy cat who loves to run around all day, and is owned by one of the owners here, along with Reefly!


This is Reefly, we found her outside begging for attention, she was skinny, her fur was overgrown, and her skin was horribly red and irritated, to the point she was scratching the fur off her back side off of her body, and after talking to plenty of neighbors found out the she has been tied to a three foot long chain in the back yard almost all her life. She was so excited to see everything and anything and cried when left alone. We were able to talk to her owners and they decided to submit her, and now she is a pampered pup who gets to run around in the country and loves cuddling with her new feline brothers, and she is doing much better and has learned to be calm and is trained very well.


This little kitty is Beeker! He was apart of a litter of kittens that showed up in a storage shed outside of a bar, there feral mother had birthed them there and the bar staff began to put out food for her because she was terribly skinny. But sadly the mother was hit by a car and we came to help catch them along with a lot of other peoples help, we caught this little feral guy and decided to take care of him for a bit since there were so many kittens to take care of. He is now has a full belly and is learning how nice people can be, and cries until he is pet.

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